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Gin & Tritonic

Classical music, tango, Romani

Gin & Tritonic
Gin & Tritonic ©DR
Monday 19 September 2022
Bus VMCV «Septembre Musical Montreux-Vevey» - Ligne 201

Gin & Tritonic will be serving up a daring blend of tango, Romani and classical music on the bus, concocted by Bettina (violin), Florent (accordion) and Loïc (clarinet/baritone saxophone). Bringing these elements together to form a cohesive whole is no easy feat, but they have risen to the occasion with big classics and little known folklores, sharing their passion for beautiful music with those on board.

Montreux, Marché - 12:00
Château Chillon - 12:08
Villeneuve, Gare - 12:12
Château Chillon - 12:16
Montreux, Marché - 12:24
Montreux, Vernex - 12:27
Dépôt VMCV - 12:32
La Tour-de-Peilz,Centre - 12:42
Vevey, Ste-Claire - 12:45
Vevey, Marché - 12:48
Vevey, Hôtel de Ville - 12:50
La Tour-de-Peilz,Centre - 12:56
Dépôt VMCV - 13:06
Montreux, Vernex - 13:10
Montreux, Marché - 13:13